Please join us for our monthly prayer meeting on Monday, February 23. In times like this, when our Bahá’í sisters and brothers in the cradle of the Faith are imprisoned and awaiting what promises to be an unfair trial, let us get together and pray for their speedy release.
Please join us for interfaith devotions, prayers, music, fellowship, cake and tea on Monday, February 23rd at 7:00 pm. The building is metro-accessible via the Orange line, between the Virginia Square and Ballston stations, and is right across from Arlington Central Library. Please contact the Baha’is of Arlington and find out more about this devotional gathering.
“O God! Thou beholdest Thy lovers in Iran in the clutches of hate and enmity. I beg of Thee, by Thy mercy which hath preceded the contingent world, to raise up from the earth those who will be moved to aid and protect them, and to preserve their rights and the restitution due to them by those who broke Thy Covenant and Testament, and perpetrated such acts as made the inmates of the cities of Thy justice and equity to lament. Thou art, verily, the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.” (Bahá’u’lláh)